[Harp-L] Subject: Re: New Kaboom/MAAS for stainless steel reeds?

Jim Crutchfield again (snipped): 'Neither seems to be very dangerous, and  
Maas may be slightly less dangerous than Simichrome.  I wouldn't want  
either one on anything I'm putting into my mouth and vigorously inhaling  
through, but that's just me."
Please don't assume 'upset' in my attempts to clarify the issue.  Perhaps 
it's simply that I'm not making myself understood. When one wipes down a  
surface thoroughly (any surface, polished or not) with alcohol,  especially 91% 
Isopropyl Alcohol, your above scenario simply  would not apply. There's no 
'substance' left ON any area of my  harmonicas which would cause your above 
imagined scenario to  occur, i.e. ingestion of the polish previously 
used....unless, of course one  isn't wiping it down sufficiently enough? As 
previously stated several  times, I make sure that I am.

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