Michael Timler at _www.harponline.de_ (http://www.harponline.de)
has fixed
one of them for me. Thanks Michael!
But now I'm back, residing in a "tropical rainforest" in south-east
Asia.... The other 3 chromatic harps (although still split) have
moisture. And have re-sealed themselves!
OK... I LOVE "270s".
But if, as a harmonica player, you plan to commute between the Arizona
desert at 100 degrees and the Arizona mountains at 30 degrees F,
and then go
back to a tropical rain forest.
My suggestion is... Don't use harps with pear wood combs... Go for
plexiglass, plastic or stainless steel.
When I get the money together, I'm going to re-comb all of my 270s.
Having in the past, lived in southern Florida, as well as in sunny
and Tobago... I should have learnt my lesson by now.
And no, I don't think that the harmonicas comb material has any
effect, to the audience!
John "Whiteboy" Walden
English harmonica player,
Now residing in:
Cebu City