[Harp-L] Re: Meteor Amps info

Gino - Let me see if I understand the "argument" you're making...

You're saying that in an economic downturn every person should be given a
financial break EXCEPT Scooter Berberian, who must INSTEAD charge under cost
prices so that people like you can afford an amp. Is that right? Is it?
Things should be fair to (or indeed heavily subsidised for) YOU but not to

Listen to yourself. If you can afford an amp, buy it, if not - DON'T.


Seems like the American way,,,as people continue to loose jobs and
> houses, raise the prices ! great idea. I'll just pull the money out
> of my...... Keep raising prices, Americans buy cheaper foreign products
> = more lost business and jobs. And then more people wont qualify
> for mortgages, and then , all the property will be owned by, more
> foreigners, people born and raised here will get driven into the
> dirt. Maybe I should raise the price of my CD,,,,$50 starting in
> July. Hurry and buy them today while they're cheap ! No complaining
> when the poor, poverty stricken Saudis get $5 a gallon for gas !
> Seems like, if everyone boycotted this product, he would either
> A)have to lower the price or B) file for bankruptcy.
> Sorry, guess they struck a nerve.

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