[Harp-L] Re: Overblows in the blues - check this out

> So you could observe that he doesn't have the bassy tone without his
> pedals?

Actually, no. I read someone making that claim somewhere (here or on the
Gussow forums) and I was attempting to be even-handed and appease the guys
on this forum who get so het up. I have to be honest and admit I don't
actually believe Ricci could get a fat tone acoustically playing his fast
stuff with OBs.

I did actually see one of the top fast OB/whistle guys demoing some mics
through a SJ 410 at a convention once (not his amp) and without the pedals
he sounded very thin. With the pedals he had that same rocky tone that Ricci
uses. I own that model of amp and while a novice can't drive it, this was a
big name guy with a label and tours worldwide. I won't name the guy because
he's a good guy and his set up sounds cool through his own equipment - and
he's a great player. But his tone was thin without the effects. A sweet
acoustic sound, don't get me wrong, but thin.

I just don't hear fat tone with these fast pucker guys. Sorry.

Anyway, enough from me on this. While I appreciate all the offlist emails I
am getting, this is going nowhere. It remains the case that OB guys seem to
feel entitled to make observations on the limits of other people's technique
but don't like it when people make valid observations on the limits of OBs.
It's a case of the immovable object meets the unstoppable force.


> Am Samstag, 13. Februar 2010 schrieb Ev630:
> > Jason Ricci. I understand he can get a big tone using traditional
> > techniques but since his trademark speed and facility depends on
> > lip pursing, he uses a bunch of pedals. I think of him more as a
> > rock-blues kind of guy. Doesn't matter the genre, the point is
> > that you can't get the same bassy tone when doing lots of that lip
> > pursing and whistling through the harp, so you need effects. This
> > is NOT a criticism - it's an observation.
> So you could observe that he doesn't have the bassy tone without his
> pedals?
> --
> Gruß,Frank

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