[Harp-L] thinking and playing (and Chris, sort of)

I'm not sure why the news of Chris has had such an effect on me, but it has.

Tonight, I left a benefit thing way early and went to a little place where a couple of my friends were playing. It's a quieter spot and I really like their music and it was way better than the noise at the overcrowded benefit.
This duo has invited me to sit in a couple of times in the past, but I have always declined. Mostly because they are so good and I felt overmatched.
Tonight, I had a couple of extra drinks and I was in enough of a mood that I said yes when they asked. I didn't know any of the 3 songs we played. In fact, I couldn't tell you right now. I just told them ahead of time if they kept it to 3 or 4 chords, I could probably hang in there.
I was kind of thinking of Chris at the time. He used to tell me: "You're a good player. Just play and quit thinking about it."
So I did and, of course, it turned out good.
After... the guy who is the main guitar player asked me to stop back tomorrow night if I could.
"You put in the songs just what I would do if I could play harp," he said.
I considered that just about the best compliment I have ever had. And I did play pretty good.
Music is a strange obsession.

Steve Webb in Minnesota

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