Re: [Harp-L] talking techniques again

I find this sort of discussion amongst the most useful and interesting on Harp-L! I wish there was much more if it...
Mojo Red writes:
<major clippage>
Then practice familiar songs that require use of those indivitual bends to cement it in as you will already know the note that's ~supposed~ to sound.
Hi, Ken!

Someone (maybe even you) once pointed out to me a familiar, very simple tune that is played entirely on hole 3 and exercises all the bends therein. For the life of me I just cannot remember what the song was. What is cool about it is that you already have the tune cemented in your memory as it is a childhood standard many of us have grown up with. That way, you can practice your 3-hole bends anywhere; no need for a piano.

I'd be most appreciative if someone could jog my memory with the name of that tune...

I also recall hearing that Kim Wilson likes to play a simple blues entirely on hole 3. Anyone know what that is?


Michelle (also Harpin' in Colorado! ;^)

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