[Harp-L] Manji Price


I've got a set of of 10 Promasters and a set of 13 Hammonds. Although they are very similar in design and appearance except for color, the Hammonds are definitely superior for quality of tone and consistency of response. I also think that Promasters have a brighter tone than the Hammonds, which have a darker tone to my ear.

But the Hammonds are unquestionably better harps all the way around. I suspect that it has to do with the anodized combs on the Hammond being better made and truer to spec. A well known customizer has told me that the Promaster combs are inconsistent and not always truly flat, which, of course, would adversely affect compression and response. I'm not as impressed with the Promasters as i am with my Hammonds.

It seems to me that the Manji is intended to compete directly with the Hohner Marine Band. I haven't tried one yet, though. Since you've played MBs for a while, I'd really be interested in what you think of the Manji if you get around to trying one.

Best regards,


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