Subject: [Harp-L] Re: Blu-Tack: I Deserve All the Credit

Brendan, your postscript was very funny.  As I read your Blu-tack  claim I 
was thinking precisely that: 'oh boy, now everyone will begin  to refer to him 
as 'the guy who came up with that Blu-tack  stuff'.  And if told otherwise 
would state unequivocally that  'Brendan himself SAID OUT LOUD that he didn't want 
to be known for his CD's,  altered tunings, et al' (you modestly left out 
those CX-extended chroms I'd no  knowledge about until after you stopped making 
them, grrrrrr) <G>.
Great post. 
Forget Power. You shall henceforth be known as 'Brendan Blu-Tack'. ;)
"Message: 12
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 09:21:44 -0000
From: "Brendan  Power" <bren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Harp-L] Re: Blu-Tack: I  Deserve All the Credit
To: "Harp-L" <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>

I'm  going to come out boldly and claim that I was the FIRST to adopt
Blu-Tak for  retuning harmonica reeds. If I'm remembered for nothing else, I
wish to be  known as "The Man who Brought Harmonicas and Blu-Tak Together"!
Forget  numerous CDs, half-valving and innovative special tunings (even being
invited  to play at The Old Neptune pub in Whitstable!) - I consider the
BLU-TAK TRICK  to be the true summit of my modest contribution to the
harmonica community -  and I won't have anyone else steal my thunder ;)

Rick Epping has showed  me many of his nifty tools and tricks for harmonica
tweaking - he's great  like that :) But I showed HIM the Blu-Tak Trick, as
I'm sure he would attest.  I've been doing it since the mid-80s (to tune the
custom 11 hole harps I used  at the time). I've imparted this precious
knowledge to many others over the  years, without even asking for a cent!

It allows you to have one harp  that can be quickly and reversibly changed to
alternate tunings.

For  example, the 5 draw can be tuned up to the major 7th in 2nd Position (F#
on a  C harp), then lowered with the right amount of Blu-Tak to the F. When
you  want the F#, simply remove the Blu-Tak and stick it on the rivet pad.
Then  reapply when you want the F again. Since it is the right amount, the
tuning  will be dead-on every time. It's a bit like a Scruggs tuning peg for
the  harmonica!

It takes less than a minute, and most of that time is in  removing/rescrewing
the coverplates (with a Turbolid the job would be done in  20 seconds or
less). Good for trying out new tunings quickly and reversibly  too. The stuff
sticks like you wouldn't believe and stays there for decades  of violent reed
vibration. Just make sure the reed is clean and free of dust  and grease
before applying.

A real money saver in these tough economic  times... No need to buy lots of
harps in different tunings, just "Blob on  Some Blu-Tak"! (but if Lee Oskar
goes bust, I never told you, right!  ;)


For Americans, with their unfortunate irony  deficiency, I feel boringly
obliged to point out there is a certain  tongue-in-cheek element to this
post. (If I didn't, they'd probably take me  at my word and I WOULD only be
remembered for Blu-Tak  :)


Brendan Power

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