Subject: [Harp-L] Amp or Peddlen (Wife needs your help)
Dear Mrs. Abner Blue Eyes:
You know about me already - I'm the 'E' Abner paid such a nice compliment
to recently onlist. We've talked offlist quite a bit about our mutual neck
issues. I do feel for him. He's a really decent guy and you're a peach for
wanting to do this for him. Finding music and harmonica as a hobby at this
stage of our lives is incredibly fulfilling.
That said, unless you really can get the Kalamazoo 'Splash' just referred
for your maximum cut-off price, I'd suggest maybe making sure he has a few
more harps in his kit bag (or harp case) if he doesn't already? Most people
who begin to play accumulate harps in more than one key -- several in fact.
He has the great mic already, can play that through any PA system and
actually doesn't need a real amp to get tone which comes from the
player....practice, practice, practice (what they call wood-shedding here) is the name
of the game. Having a few good harps is what keeps me happy, anyway - though
I'm sure that as far as Blues are concerned, Abner is already far ahead of
What I did early on (although I don't play 'out' yet -and the couple of
times I have I simply played through a PA system), is to pick up a mini twin
fender - a wee baby amp :)
It costs so little, is great for practice at home, is portable and I've
even fit it into my carryon for air travel. So it works for me (so far), the
rare times I've used it.
Here's one link to the one I have:
I guess it's similar to his micro-cube except mine was even less expensive?
Whatever you decide, DON'T rush into it. $300 is a lot of money if it's
your top end and you're making sacrifices for it ...and he might change his
mind down the road. For someone with cervical spine issues, the weight of
the amp has to be a big factor as well.
Despite his impatience - and Abner is an impatient man ;) he might have
to grit his teeth and take just a bit more time scoping out what really
will work for him in the long run before committing himself Amp
can be a very large investment. So using the smaller amp for practice at home
seems the most logical step at this point, while perhaps adding to his
harmonica collection if he doesn't have all the keys he likes to play in.
Just my two cents - he'll probably disagree and so will others here.
Either way, he'll have fun. Bottom line, all a real harmonica player truly
needs to get better is a harmonica and lots of time to practice (and an
appreciative audience). Seems he has that already. :)
Much Good luck to you.
"Message: 1
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 13:58:55 -0400
From: "Abner Galdos" <cdgaldos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Harp-L] Amp or Peddlen (Wife needs your help)
To: <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <771B0F52D0A54B128727F8CDA777DDC6@LordandMastePC>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Ok guys and gals, I need your help for my husband who is going nuts. I
hope im not breaking some kind or rule and apologies in advance if im doing
this wrong.
You all know him as Abner Blueyes. My husband got serious about his
playing after his cervical spine surgery.
In my loving and honest opinion I think he is very good, and he just
started... Im not the only one that thinks so. I am very proud of him. It took
him awhile to get on stage at open mic and they love him.
We are coming up to our 29th wedding anniversary and I want to buy him
something nice.
For Father's Day I bought him a harmonica from Seydel, a 1947. He loves
He has a micro cube amplifier, but he wants that dirty sound. I know from
listening to a lot of his cads what he wants. But he has been asking
questions and is still getting confused. I know his buddies on the list have
tried to help him out but even I'm confused.
He has this great custom microphone that he bought from Mr. Greg Heumann.
So I guess I'm asking you guys and gals should I buy him an amp first or a
pedal to work with the PA system at open mic and then later on I could get
him the amp? He was looking at the Lone Wolf Harp Attack.
He has also emailed Mr. Heumann and Mr. Landry plus a good friend of his
Geoff. They all gave him good advice in support of both the amp and the
pedal, but I'm still confused....
Please help me. He is a good man and a good father... he works hard and
will be going back to work in a couple of weeks.... there is a good chance he
may need more surgery so I want to make sure he has things he can enjoy.
My husband in the 30 odd years that I have known him never wanted anything.
Never had a hobby. This is the first time I have seen him really enjoy
something and just to see him grow in talent is amazing. I love seeing him on
stage and then get the applause. I would never have imagined in my life
time that I would one day see and hear my husband playing music let alone on
$300 or so is my max, I gave up what ever he was going to buy for me so I
can buy him something nice.
Thank you in advance. I look forward to your feedback.
Mrs. Blueyes
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