Re: [Harp-L] Re: blown out harps

I think that blow out harps is normal in a moment of a harpist´s life. To
learn how to use smooten sounds, silences, different attacks, not bottom
bends, is a step that comes after many "mistakes".. Sometimes, like when we
are improvising,  worry about blow out is not a concerning. As we learn how
things work, use only the necessary is the key to extend harmonicas life,
but they will keep blowing out, as a string get old, or drums get loose.

sorry about my english

the second track was recorded with two D harps
i hope you enjoy

Thiago Jatobá

2009/6/23 bbqbob917@xxxxxxxxxxx <bbqbob917@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi,
> I saw Big Walter at least a dozen times during the 1970's and hung out with
> him and got to know him a bit. All the amps he used were all borrowed and
> set up loud as most players do, but for about 75-80% of the time, he did NOT
> play hard at all. In fact, it was often quite soft and when he did hit some
> notes harder (tho not REALLY hard, the effect was dramatic and by him not
> playing hard all the time, it allowed him to get a stunning variety of tonal
> colors not possible if you're playing too hard all the time.
> Walter was also one of the biggest BS artists I've ever met, and some of
> the things he said, you needed to take with a grain of salt. I remember
> someone asking him one time if he ever tongue blocked, his answer was "I
> don't ever put a goddamned tongue on no damned harmonica!" Well, hello, we
> all know you have to in order to tongue block and play octaves, but there
> are other stories of him saying crap that are too numerous but often quite
> funny.
> while I was on the road with Jimmy Rogers, Jimmy told me one time he had
> both Walter and Eddie Taylor at his house for dinner and Walter told him
> that he and Eddie just flew a plane!!! If anyone ever knew Walter, they'd be
> laughing like hell because if anyone ever saw him back up a car, it was
> almost a frightening experience to wacth, and I for one saw that right in
> front of my eyes.
> Instead of just the non stop knee jerk reactions, if one was to listen with
> "bigger ears," (which doesn't mean someone stretching your ears out like
> dumbo the elephant) meaning listening not like a music fan, but a pro
> musician, listening to things in INFINITE detail, not just for the notes,
> but the subtle nuances, and as an example, listen to his classic, "Easy," on
> the first two choruses, he plays 90% of it with a very soft breath, and to
> prove it, try it first acoustic and then amplified and you will hear it.
> One day in 1978, a friend of mine came up from NYC to see him and at the
> end of the night, my friend asked him how did he play the intro on his cover
> of "Can't Hold On Much Longer," that's on the Alligator LP he did. He had
> packed his harps up and so he borrowed mine, and then proceeded to play it.
> He played very softly, almost like a whisper, and minus the distortion,
> exactly like he recorded it, which was unusal for him to do. Later, I tried
> it for myself and yep, there it was, and when I got a chance to do it
> amplifed, there it was again. it was 2 minutes of a huge lesson in REALLY
> playing harmonica, and I went back to all of his recordings and found out
> how often he did NOT play hard, and also along with LW, both Sonny Boys,
> Wells, you name it, and the same thing was true with all of them that they
> didn't play anywhere near as hard as many people believe, except in spots
> for emphasis. An example of this plays right now and that's Kim Wilson.
> Trust me, that was an eye opener of a lesson I've never forgotten.
> Sincerely,
> Barbeque Bob Maglinte
> Boston, MA
> MP3's:
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: HTownFess <Spschndr@xxxxxxx>
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Harp-L] Re: blown out harps
> Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 18:52:41 -0700 (PDT)
> The complete Big Walter quote on p. 56 of Tom Ball's book concerns the
> recording of the song "Easy":
> "In Escott and Hawkins' book Sun Records--The Brief History, Big
> Walter recalled, 'We cut that thing in three or four takes but my box
> started screechin' and we had to cut it.  I played real loud on that
> one.  I like to play loud.'"
> If BW was talking about his amp feeding back on that session, then was
> he talking about how he liked to turn his amps up loud, rather than
> how hard he played the harmonica?
> Too bad we can't ask him if he's been quoted out of context :-).
> Stephen Schneider
> On Jun 22, 12:14 pm, Rick Davis <bluesharpa...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Bob-
> >
> > Read Tom Ball's excellent book about Big and Little Walter harp licks.
> > In the book, Ball quotes Big Walter Horton:
> >
> > "I like to play loud."  Indeed he did!
> >
> > To bad you couldn't give him your pointers about breath control...
> >
> > Some players use an economy of air in the harp, others wail.  Let's not
> > pretend one is more virtuous than the other.  There are other factors in
> > reed failure than playing loud, and some of us who do play loud do so
> with a
> > full understanding of the costs.  It is a choice, not a failing.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > -Rick Davis
> >
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Thiago Jatobá
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