Re: [Harp-L] Jimi Lee on Adam Gussow

In a message dated 1/29/09 1:09:08 PM, hqr@xxxxxxx writes:

> Hmm--
> Guess I'm just gonna have to tune a harp to Cm and get busy!
> Gary

Or you could buy a Cm harp from Hohner (?) or Lee Oskar -- failing that you 
could get a harp in Eb major (Cm is the relative minor -- same notes as Eb 
major but starts the root note on C instead of Eb).

This would be first position for the Eb -- 4th position for the Cm -- but I 
always think of it as playing the relative minor in First Position -- since 
they are the same notes and the harp was designed to play First Position.   Many 
tunes don't start on the root note (the 6th note of Eb is C (the root for C 
minor) -- although "Mr. Magic" does.

For further clarity, Lee Oskar has some excellent color layouts as well as 
the same black & white line drawing layouts of all keys like those that come 
packaged with the harps on his web site.

I don't have my Hohner layouts in front of me -- so I don't know the layout 
for Hohner minor harps -- whether they're labeled in First Position or Second 
Position. But I do know that Summertime lays out so well on that Hohner minor 
harp that it practically plays itself.

Hope this helps


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