Subject: RE: [Harp-L] Hohner CX-12 Jazz Chromatic

Hi  Wadi:  You have nothing to apologize for!  I simply cannot fathom the  
'whys and wherefores' of messing around  in this way with such a great  
instrument as the CX-12...(jazz or not)...and whether or not it was simply one  single 
piece of the mouthpiece ...or the entire mouthpiece assembly of some of  
those other harmonicas you were attaching (which mouthpieces consist of 3/4  
pieces, including a button). 
...and  this is partially in  response to SmoJoe's response as well...where 
he's  talked about 'grinding' the facepiece flat...?  To do that to the very  
rounded shape of the CX-12 to make it flat 'enough' would, in my opinion, take 
a  big risk of breaking (or at least greatly weakening) the separations 
between the  mouthpiece holes of the instrument because of its unique shape.   I 
still  maintain it'd be  easy to do to almost every other instrument out  there 
(because of the materials used in their manufacture) ....but not  the 
CX-12...(and possibly the CBH2016)... 
So  yes, I would love to see photos (or even videos) if they were available 
at some  point. 
"Elizabeth,  sorry for the misunderstanding, my English has serious 
limitations so Iâll try  to explain as simple as possible. The answer is pretty simple, 
with a mouthpiece  of a hering or Suzuki(a thiner mouthpiece ) you win speed, 
so the harp Is still  one piece but with the mouthpiece glue on top of the 
original(Iâll try to get a  pic of that so you can understand better cause my 
English sucks).Anyway Iâll try  to post some pics of the harp. 
"On Jan 9, 2009, at 11:43 AM, EGS1217@xxxxxxx  wrote:

> Wadi:  a replacement black CX-12 cover is available here  in the  
> States  for
> $42...which is fairly reasonable  if the housing breaks and one needs a
> replacement.
> But  I'm a bit puzzled by your comment about putting a chromonica or
> Suzuki  mouthpiece onto a CX-12.  How is that possible?

Grind the face piece  flat, rough up the back of the mouthpiece, and  
use epoxy or  polyester.


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