[Harp-L] endorsers

As for Holland, their main endorser, Westside Andy, whom they named their  
amp after, left and is now my endorser, as is Sugar Ray Norcia, who they 
begged  to buy an amp, which didn't even work Ray said. Those are the only 
experiences  other than people who could not contact the actual head of the 
company with  questions. Andy told me people were calling him for customer 
service which is  why he asked to work with our company. Maybe something changed. 
I don't say mine  are the best in the world, I only go by what my customers 
say which is positive.  I don't think there can ever be a Best in the 
world. We could run that to the  ground. Everyone has different tastes, what they 
want from an amp, from a  company. 

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