Re: [Harp-L] Why am I killing the 4-blow reed so quickly?

Hey Smo-Joe!  As rabid as you sound, I'm with ya!  

Doug H

Smo-Joe wrote (in part):
  I was overhearing the wife's i-pod as she was in her sewing room.  
  There was a tune by Tommy Dorsey. Yeah, I know, he's just some old  
  fart from the 30s. Well, lemme tell you, his trombone sent shivers  
  down my spine. I had forgotten how good he was. Soft and smoothe. It  
  was art in it's purest form.

  Then a few minutes later came this screaming jerk. It curdled my  
  blood and I had to leave the house and go outside. Just a bunch of  
  screaming and a background band that had that annoying ba-da ba-da  
  shuffle loud drum beat. The kind that makes your heart go out of  
  time. Who was it, you ask. Well this may not be politically correct,  
  but it was Bruce Springsteen.

  Whaaaaaaa a bunch of crap. This is what I'm talking about. Everyone  
  yaking and yaking about this and that and playing this crap and that  
  crap. When is everyone gonna wise up and play REAL. I guess it's a  
  sign of the times. What happened to dressing real? Everyone walking  
  around trying to see how shi**y they can look. Why? To attract  
  attention? Well ya got mine. Then there's the school of 'How many  
  freaking pieces of hardware can I inject in my facial orifices and if  
  I don't have enough, I can make more'.

  Oooh, let's see if I can wear this really really scary freaky weird  
  hairdo. Ooooh, let's see how many filthy words I can jam into my  
  neanderthal vocabulary. Here's the deal. Throw away all those lesson  
  plans that talk about 3rds 5ths maj7ths dim aug 9ths, minor  
  whatchamacallits and just play the harp. FEEL it, LIVE it. BREATHE  
  it. LOVE it. CARESS it. Jesus.......quit making it so hard.


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