Re: [Harp-L] nobody knows you when you're down and out

Hey Harvey,

I've been playing "Nobody Knows You" on diatonic for a few years now and it lays out very well in 12th position (thanks to Madcat for that very valuable tip), no fancy overblows needed and only a couple of easy bends.

I play the song in the key of C on guitar and use a G diatonic in a rack to play the melody. It sarts with a walk-up from the 4 blow. Here's some tab to get you started (4+ is blow on four, 3" is three hole draw with a full-step bend, 6' is six draw with half-step bend. The ~ symbol means hold the note)

4+ 4 5+ 55 5+5+ 4~ 3"~
6+6+6+ 55 5 6+ 5 4
4 44 5+ 5 5+ 4 4+ 4 5+ 5
66 6+ 6 6' 6+ 6 6+

Good luck!

Harpin' in Colroado,
--Ken M.

TeraBlu Band on My Space

----- Original Message ----
From: Harvey Berman <cscharp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 7:21:36 AM
Subject: [Harp-L] nobody knows you when you're down and out

I have been trying to figure out the song "Nobody knows you when you are down and out".  Any one have a clue how to play it on a Diatonic or any tuning of a 10 hole?

Harvey Berman
Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH,


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