Robert Bonfiglio wrote- " We all sound like
somebody. Is that okay?"
When others felt that way, they reached for a pen and a piece of
staff paper (now a computer.)
I want to sound like Bonfiglio!
Hey Vern, my mucho guapo amigo. I don't want to sound like 'Le Bon
Vivant'. Do you have any idea how many hours this poor man has had
put in to SOUND like Robert Bonfiglio (which means 'Goodson')?. Like
today (for instance). I spent the day installing 13 landscaping
lights on the pilings around my home. Meanwhile, I'll bet Robert did
about a dozen etudes, a hundred arpeggios, and probably even re-wrote
an arraingement. or two. WHAT dedication. I'll do the electrical
work. It's so much easier... lolol