[Harp-L] re: Seydel Concerto

Dave Payne wrote:

"You mentioned you got yours several years ago, before the tuning change. I know the tuning change occurred before I my affiliation with Seydel, so it would have to be before 2006 and likely made around the time Seydel was flat broke or immediately after Seydel was purchased by Niama Media and money started flowing again. There has been considerable improvement in all models since, which seems a possible explanation for the differences between you and Winslow and I."

Possibly. It depends entirely on what is causing the instability in the tuning. If it is a case of bad quality control (ie, poor metal used for the reeds) that might explain the difference. If it is a case of a design flaw that has since been fixed (ie, poorly scaled reeds which are no longer used) that might also explain the difference. If neither of these has changed, then I cannot explain the difference, though perhaps I'm more sensitive to out-of-tune octaves than most. Further, the difference may also be explained by length of time I've owned these, though that is unlikely since the problems were evident early on. I will be interested in hearing other people's long-term findings over the course of a few years.

I may try Concertos again down the road if people find that they don't have these long-term issues, but for the time being I felt it made sense to let people know that not everyone had a positive experience with them.

()() JR "Bulldogge" Ross () () `----'

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