Yes, the list does contain complete address info for most members.
I assume you can ask for your address to be removed if that's your
preference, but I believe it's currently opt-out, not opt-in.
- Slim.
Tim Moyer wrote:
fjm wrote:
I received a hand addressed letter from some one at Mel Bay
publications. The combination of address and name is the one I
use for my SPAH membership. Since it is targeted marketing I
wonder if the publisher obtained a list of names and addresses
from SPAH. Anyone else out there get a recent mailing? Are you
a SPAH member? I do not rule out another vector for the
information. fjm
SPAH routinely distributes membership lists to members attending
the convention. I don't recall how complete the lists are -
whether they contain complete address information - but it's
certainly conceivable that someone at Mel Bay is a SPAH member and
got this list to use to promote their material to harmonica
players directly.
I would think most SPAH members would find this of interest rather
than annoying, since it's harmonica specific. Then again, it is
more paper in the mailbox...
Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH,