Re: [Harp-L] Hardest working man in show biz?

That's exactly what he does.....multi instrumentalist and very high
energy!  He plays every month  at a local wine bar, Bacchus' Secret
Cellar, here in Irvine, CA.  where there's no entrance fee.

On 5/2/08, Steve Shriver <steveshriver@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Caught the Hammer Smith band at Killian¹s last night. It was a true
> (California) blues experience; playing to a small, mostly indifferent
> crowd
> at a suburban sports bar, for minimal wage and paltry tips, this hard
> working road band put out the same energy as they would have to a crowded
> festival. Chris ³Hammer² Smith is a true one of a kind, a hyper kinetic
> front man who plays guitar, sings, dances, hoots, and blows a very mean
> harp
> at the same time, often picking up two or three different harps in a
> single
> song. A typical run through has Hammer opening with a funky diatonic harp
> riff blown on the rack, accompanying himself on guitar, singing a measure,
> picking up the chromatic and a bullet, pushing the rack  aside, blowing
> some
> very informed chromatic progressions, picking up another diatonic for a
> measure, blowing through the bullet and the vocal mic, then going back to
> guitar for an energetic shred before finishing up with guitar and harp
> combination leads. He told me he¹s thinking about adding another guitarist
> (currently it¹s just a trio with tight bass and drums.) Sounded like a
> good
> idea to me- I¹d be dead in a week if I attempted to keep up his level of
> energy on stage.
> All in all, a very entertaining night- and this was after my own band had
> done a 3 hour workout! Check out Chris¹ webpage at
> and support this hard working
> blues
> band.
> -- Steve
> _______________________________________________
> Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH,
> Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx

fattest tone on earth!

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