[Harp-L] Re: Subject: JJ Milteau's YouTube videos...'Rockin'/Charlie McCoy
On Mar 29, 2008, at 12:52 PM, EGS1217@xxxxxxx wrote:
Charlie McCoy uses a Bb and F to play it.
Ok, then he IS across the scale for those 8 chugs. (Or maybe, there's
more to it than that?). I should have asked him but was too busy on
other subjects. I use harps only 2 notes apart. I'm probably on a
draw when he is on a blow.
. However, do 8 years of formal Latin studies count? ;)
I hope to SMILE they do. You could always write me a prescription. lol
I'm so envious (and admiring) of you getting to play with him.
He's a genuinely nice and 'real' guy. I was thrilled to get a
front-row seat at SPAH for his performance three years ago (Kansas
City)...his Shenandoah (which he dedicated to a recently departed
friend) brought me to tears.
Shenandoah is one of the few pieces he does straight. I suggested a
few others. He will be doing 'The Nearness of You' on his next
album..straight...I think?.
This must have been an incredible day you spent together.....I'm
only one of many here who would love to hear about it?
Wasn't much TO it. A bunch of us got together in Ft. Myers (where he
has a condo), and we had a dream of an afternoon. Lotza great stories.
We did some duets. 'I really don't want to know', a fast Texas Swing
version of 'You don't have to call me darlin...darlin', and more.
We talked about the country tuning, and how in 76 he was confronted
by a fellow who asked him how he did Danny Boy and reasoned that
Charlie used a harp with the 5 draw raised. But that's not how
Charley was playing it (back then). He was using a D and an A (for
the bridge). I have always played it with only one harp...C...crossed/
smokey tuned. The tune is originally in Eb, and I have also used a Ab
but it's a little low in pitch for me. Besides the Ab is harder for
me to bend.
I took that tuning to Nashville in 75 and played 'Frosty the Snowman'
with it with Ernest Tubb on the Ryman Christmas show. I showed it to
an older chromo player named Jim or John something. Rydell or Raydell
or something like that. That old guy was really good as I remember.
Now there ARE tunes that you DO need more than one harp (discounting
modulations). DYKWIM to miss New Orleans requires 3 harps (because of
the double keyed bridge). So, I use a C. Eb, and D in that order. 'As
time goes by' requires a second harp 4 steps up. That's the problem
with diatonics for most people( from planet Earth )
Next week, Charley is going home to Nashville and then on to France
in June. During spah he will be in Belgium & Holland.
> Elizabeth
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