"The shame is that Doc and Richard are REALLY nice guys."
I'm certain, that on a limited, personal, and selected basis, these two,
"Doc and Richard", are "REALLY" nice guys. Trouble is, "niceness" isn't what
they're selling (maybe they SHOULD be, from what some have stated here), and
secondarily, how "nice" can you be to leave your customers stranded with
questions unanswered?
Neither of these men being omnipotent, omnipresent, nor omniscient, "niceness" can only go so far, in the real world.
I would also say that further "niceness", further attributes such as
"answerability" and "timeliness" are necessary business characteristics, to
be called upon when the apparent "niceness" isn't readily available.
Since some here are responding that these two are indeed "nice", and others
are echoing the sentiments of those who feel, or have felt cheated in some
way, it becomes apparent that there comes a time when some, due to
constraints of time and resources, and human capacity, become victim to
these limits, in that they perceive a lack of care, or even of concern or
interest, inasfar as fulfilling their requests for product or even service
oriented timely response.
I've heard of this before, in some context,,"businesses that don't plan
adequately for the growth factor."
Maybe these guys are TOO nice, letting their personalities write checks
their available resources can't back up.
But then again, the website DOES seem to warn of disappointing possibilities
on the supply side.