Hello Ken,
I am sure there are others out there, but these
folks<http://www.1panflute.com/>offer a tunable panflute.
No affiliation, just the result of a quick search.
Shouldn't be too difficult to make your own, a quick Google search will
bring up several links on how.
Hope this helps.
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 7:35 AM, Ken Ficara <kenficara@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Saw the Carolina Chocolate Drops in Prospect Park last night. I do love
old-time music, and now I've come home wanting a new instrument
since it fits nicely in a harp rack). Does anyone nowadays make or sell a
set of quills? They're kind of a modally tuned set of pan pipes that you
hear on a lot of the old Yazoo and Document string-band collections,
beautifully by Henry Thomas.
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Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH, http://www.spah.org