[Harp-L] The Top Three Holes

   Boy, to me learning the 7-10 holes is just going to make you a more
complete musician.  Anything you learn on the bottom end of the harp you
ought to be trying to duplicate in the middle and on the high end.  It's a
very useful exercise.  Eventually you are going to have to phrase something
or finish something off up there so you might as well try to get comfortable
in that register.  And, if you want to be a good first position blues
player; you really need that upper end.  That's the strength of that
   Even if you're doing most of your playing in second position; when
that lV chord comes around you are kind in first position, anyway.  All that
high end blow stuff comes into play.  And you want to be able to take a
simple riff and transpose it through all three changes.  Comes in handy for
turnaround riffs and call and response stuff.  Sometimes you can only get
the phrase you want up high.  Unless you want to squawk through an overblow
or quickly switch to another harp.


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