If you want to do an interesting experiment, try dipping a plastic bodied
diatonic harmonica in water, knock out the excess, and play.
Does it play any better? Does it sound any different?
I have my own ideas on this, but I would rather hear what anyone else has
to report before I poison your research with my own opinions or theories.
It only takes a minute, and is good clean (well, depends on the
harmonica) fun.
Richard Sleigh
P.S. http://www.customharmonicas.com has been totally redesigned with
modern architecture, and is no longer a frustrating eyesore. My wife
described the old site as "army surplus". Ouch! And you can get to my
youtube videos there easily. I am still getting the kinks worked out of
the blog, but will get that active soon.
shop address:
205 E. Pine Street
Philipsburg PA 16866-1623
814 342 9722 (w)
Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH, http://www.spah.org