Re: [Harp-L] Bill Rommel's combs

I've got a 270 in "g" with one of Bill Rommels plexiglass combs, I also  have 
a Larry Adler 16 in "c" that Bill Rommel re-combed...
I simply confirm that his work is FIRST CLASS!
None better!
John Walden
In a message dated 25/12/2008 16:43:32 GMT Standard Time,  
harp-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

I got a  270 with one of the Desert Fox's combs on it for various repair, it 
was my  first look at one of those since my wife doesn't let plastic combs in 
the  house. ;) She did, however, make an exception for this. Why? Because  
it's a functional work of art. 
There's really nothing I did not  like about this comb on first glances. 
since it's transparent, you get a  panoramic view of the harp innards, without 
taking it apart. Only  thing you can't see from the bottom are the reeds 
themselves, because of  the machining. One thing that impressed me right away were the 
small  channels. There is no wasted space in there, I imagine that's a big 
plus for  response, I haven't really played it yet and won't until after the  
The inserts, and I never like inserts, but like these.. they are  really 
good. Whatever buffer tube he's using is King of Buffer Tubes. It's a  really good 
buffer tube, I"m going to try to get me some. 
Point is, it's a  great comb, well worth the $$$. As Hank WIlliams would say, 
it's  "High Tone."
Dave Payne Sr.  
Elk River Harmonicas  
Harp-L is sponsored by  SPAH,

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