Re: [Harp-L] '65 Princeton Reverb Reissue

I had a white knob Blackface Fender Princeton. I never liked it for harmonica. I just never got compressed or barky in the middle. I wanted to like it. It is rumoured Big Walter Horton used the same amp. It was very cool with those white knobs and I'd gotten it very reasonably but eventually I ended up selling it. I semi kinda regret letting it go but only because they're worth so much money these days and it was way cute. I've played through a Silverface Fender Princeton Reverb. I liked that amplifier a lot better. In retrospect I bet the non reverb could have been fixed. It had an AlNiCo speaker that was non stock but old. Swapping the speaker could have made a world of difference. I always hesitate in regards to altering a virtually stock amplifier that is that collectable. Personally and very subjectively I think the predecessor to this amplifier the Tweed Princeton is a much better amplifier. I own 2 Whites same as a Tweed Princeton different cabinet.

Mixing threads here, I really was impressed by Mark Wilson's playing on his myspace page. Great plug for the Bogen amplifier but in reality I think Mark's playing has more than a little to do with why that first clip is so superb. Very restrained playing but not in an oppressed sort of way. Nice use of space and choices in avoiding the cliches people usually toss into a blues tune like this. I should know because when I listen to anything I play all I can hear are the sloppily played notes and the over used phrases and licks that are so difficult to stay away from. I think the thing that really separates intermediate and advanced intermediate players from the next level are all those little details. Mark's playing is a grand advertisement for the Jon Gindick Jam Camps. First there's the level of musicianship but there is also the environment that nurtured that talent. Great stuff Mark and thank you for sharing. fjm

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