[Harp-L] Transposing music
I wonder if I can get some advice with regard to transposing a song from a
recording to tabs or even sheet music. Is there a software product
available that will enable me to play the music through it and have it
translated? I have downloaded an inexpensive software package called
harping from a website called http://www.harpingmidi.com/ . It is a pretty
neat little package that lets you actually see (and hear) what notes are
being played on your harmonica and you can compare that to a piano keyboard.
Since I have always played by ear, it is something of a revelation to me.
That said, I would love to figure out an easier way to learn the songs that
I am listening to (other than playing the recording over and over and
emulating the sounds I hear). I have accumulated a pretty fair collection
of harmonica music and would like to use whatever technology is available to
me in order to make the process easier.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Tom Halchak
Clearwater, FL
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