[Harp-L] Bluegrass Harp and the Dixie Flyers

David Naiditch wrote: I've played chromatic harmonica at numerous bluegrass  
jams and at  
festivals such as Summergrass, Wintergrass, SuperGrass,  Blythe Bluegrass 
Festival, Huck Finn Jubilee, Topanga Banjo Fiddle  Contest, Grass Valley 
Festival, and the Strawberry Music Festival.  I  also host a monthly bluegrass jam at 
the Coffee Gallery in  Altadena, California....snip....you can hear me play 
with some great  bluegrass musicians on my new CD, the "High Desert  Bluegrass 
Sessions."  Samples of each of the 13 tunes can be heard on  CD Baby: 
_http://cdbaby.com/cd/naiditch2_ (http://cdbaby.com/cd/naiditch2) .   6 tunes can be 
heard in their entirety at: _http://www.myspace.com/highdesertbluegrasssessions_ 
David, thanks for posting. I just listened to the 6 songs on  your Myspace 
page.  Nice playing; good music.  

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