[Harp-L] RE: New Suzuki Harmonicas Prices

> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 08:33:55 -0400
> From: Joe and Cass Leone 
> Subject: Re: [Harp-L] SPAH, new harmonicas
> To: "Robin Willis" 
> Cc: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Suzi 48 (12 hole) is $2,200.oo, the Suzi 64 (16 hole) is $2,400.oo.  
> The diatonic is $195.oo. They are about what you would expect from  
> something crafted so finely. Opinion(s)? ... too soon to tell. They  
> should be critiqued by someone who really knows how to play. I  
> (personally) think it would take at least 13 days.
> smo-joe

Smokey Joe,

I sure hope that's a typo and the prices are $220.00 (12 hole) and
$240.00 (16). Otherwise, those harps will never touch my lips! I love
trying out harps as much as anyone, but $2000.00 plus is WAY outta 
my price range. (I couldn't possibly do justice to an Amadeus, much
less a Renny or a Silver Concerto.)

BTW, did ANYONE capture Smokey Joe at SPAH? I'd love to hear some
more of the delicious stuff he plays (like at Buckeye). IIRC, there are
now 7 videos from Buckeye. Get 4-5 more from SPAH, edit out the
audio, get permission from all parties concerned, and we "could" finally 
get the long awaited CD from the SmokeyMeister!

BTW, I loved your response to Age's request for a compendium of jazz 
riffs, licks, etc. over on SlideMeister. Great stuff!

Crazy Bob
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