From: "Brian Stear Date: April 14, 2008 11:54:21 AM EDT To: <randy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Just a note of Thanks
I knew about your Musician's handbook for sometime, but never really read it and took it to heart. Guess I just wasn't at that point......well, I got there.
I printed it out a couple of months ago and started to read it and apply it everyday. Lots to apply!
Randy, I can't tell you how much I get from all that you put in it. Every highlighted section is full of pearls.Just today I downloaded my first Norton Fake disk. Didn't even know about Norton w/o reading it in your handbook. I recently did a musical just to be able to network with other opportunities. A guy at work is involved with Boy Scouts, so when I heard you saying look for opportunities everywhere, it clicked. Through him I contacted the main office about doing workshops for the summer camps.
I could go on and on, but I just want to say that all the work you put into it is was worth it. There's really no words to describe the power in the handbook. Thanks.
Sincerely, Brian Stear