[Harp-L] Rockers in the Rockies

At many conventions and in many college classes, the presenters are often experts in their respective fields.  However, there are many experts that simply cannot communicate with their respective audiences.
  At the Rockers in the Rockies event, nothing could be further from the truth.   All of the instructors provided clear, concise communication of their ideas.  
  Jason Ricci's two lesson topics were customization and scale drills and usage.  The customization workshop was a life-changing experience.  I've worked on my own harps for a few years--there's no way I can afford a custom job by someone else.  His methods (not tips and trick, full-blown methods) showed me the parts I was doing right, the parts I was doing wrong, and the parts I've omitted.  He spoke fluently and effortlessly.  He was even quite understandable though the occasional nicotine fit.  I am a math teacher by trade, and I can say without reservation that Jason has the ability to communicate his ideas so that anyone can understand him.
  Chris Michalek (I can finally pronounce his name correctly) is highly misunderstood on this list.  He is highly cordial and patient.  Now having met him, I can see how his on-line "rants" are misinterpreted.  He has a dry sense of humor.  He doesn't laugh much, but I can see in his face a little mental meter that registers "funny" or "not funny."  He also changed my world with the idea of playing 11th position over the rhythm changes.  (He also has quite a nose for free food--without his knowledge, he and Buzz found me a free meal when my money was nearly gone.)
  Madcat was more Zen than Buddah (well, the one above).  He changed my perspective on many things with his "Groove Geometry" idea.  With his incredible incredible chops, he still emphasizes the use of space--like a "Robin's song," he said.  I also had no idea that he had worked with the Brubecks--I was raised on Time Out.  His rendition of Take 5 was crazy good.
  Paul Davies seemed to be the most forwardly friendly of the bunch.  I've never been exposed to such precise rhythm harp.  It sounds like a contradiction, but his rhythm harp was melodic.  He can emphasize the chords that contain the melodic fragments in such a way that the implied melody comes through the perfect rhythm that he lays down.
  I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with the other instructors.  But they all were approachable--no big egos, no information held back.  I received some good, constructive criticism from Michael Peloquin about my general musical style even though we didn't get to know each other very well.
  Overall, WOW!  My head is still spinning.
  BTW, I want a "Bus Krantz is my Personal Friend" T-shirt--2XL.
  Will Vogtman
  707 Hill Top Drive
  Cumberland, MD 21502
  I wish I had about 2 more days to pick the brains of those instructors I didn't mention.  Time was scheduled for me to visit all of them.  However, I often sat through 2 straight sessions with certain instructors--I simply couldn't leave--I was mesmerized.
  If anyone on the list has the chance to attend Rockers in the Rockies, DO IT!
  Will Vogtman

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