[Harp-L] Rockin' in the Rockies - So Far, So EXCELLENT!!

Hi all,

Okay, I'll try to make this quick because I need to drive ito Denver for Day Three of Jason Ricci's 2nd Rockin' in the Rockies harmonica intensive. To sum it up in a single word - Wowza!

So far, this has been even better than last year's event. The teachers are making themselves really available to individual questions/needs (I've been following Michael Peloquin around like a puppy dog), and all are freely giving us practical in-depth advice/tips/deep knowledge. Such a rare pleasure to get that kind of atention from seasoned pros. 

The the students (some of whom attended last time) are playing at a very high calibre and are very focused on getting the most out of this. The blues jam last night was fabulous with Buzz Krantz (my close personal friend) holding court. What a fabulous harp-o-centric experience. 

Jason is doing and excellent job making sure every student is getting what he/she needs and has kept a great attitude throughout. 

Friday night I went dowtown to hear Ronnie Shellist and his band (Mark Diamond on standup bass, Rich Reno on guitar, and IforGet on drums) holding court at Dazzle's where several of the instructors put on one HELL of a show! George Brooks and Chris Michaleck started things off sharing the stage for a truly jaw-dropping jazz show, then Ronnie blew us all away on a blues set, followed by Madcat who shredded the joint with his unique and diverse blend of blues, folk, jazz and OMIGOD-HOWCANHEDOTHAT solo stuff. 

Then court adjourned to the bar area where the band set up again for the late-nite blow-off and Ronnie started calling up a mess of harp players and guitar guys to sit in - each one better than the next. Okay, you had to be there to appreciate it. But I want to give a BIG Public THANK YOU to Ronnie Shellist (one helluva GREAT blues player) for putting that all together and keeping order and fun to what could have become a harp-sick wank-fest. It was a truly great night... (and yes, I sat in for a number too). 

Anyway, I've got to run... more knowledge to try to stuff into my thick head... And they want me to perform a song with Jason's band too... omigod... Nervous... very, very excited. 

Harpin' in Colorado,
--Ken M.

P.S. It's snowing here this morning! Springtime in the Rockies, I guess.

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