[Harp-L] Feedback Eliminators

I use a Sabine Solo Feedback Exterminator I bought on eBay for $35
(they usually sell online new for $270 or so). The Solo works great
and is quick and easy to setup.  They come up on eBay pretty
regularly. There are 4 there now, but this is the latest model:


An alternative is the Behringer Shark DSO 110, which you can get new
for $79.95, and also includes a programmable delay which could be
handy. Of course, this is a much cheaper device than either the
Sabine or Kinder, and the Harmony Central reveiws weren't as good.
Haven't tried it myself:


Don't know how these compares to the Kinder, but the Kinder costs
$359.00. What I did notice just from the description is that the
Kinder needs to be "dialed in" while the Sabine does that

- Robert
(aka RawHarp)

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