Re: [Harp-L] Enough please!
Am Sonntag, 27. Mai 2007 21:54 schrieb Jeff roulier:
> This is a harp mailing list, not Buddha's. I mean no offense to
> those who follow eastern philosophy. I myself like some of it. I
> just think it doesn't belong here.
Don´t forget it was african culture, that brought the essential
ingedience for what we call blues, jazz and whatever came from it.
This is a harmonica mailing list, yes. So european craftsmen build an
instrument to play traditional "german major" (scnr ;) ) folk music.
That instrument was brought to african american slave descendants who
used it in a completely different way, and this new music floated
back to europe and all over the world.
Remembering this, yet another cultural ingredience will probably be
quite interesting.
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