[Harp-L] how to save a video on your computer

On a dial-up server, it can take a long time to DL a long  video.  Here's how 
I save videos to  my computer:
  I first go to a video site like YouTube and click the video i want  to see. 
 As it starts to load, the URL (address) appears in the browser's  field.  I 
highlight the url, then copy it, using my right mouse.  I no  longer need the 
YouTube site so I cancel out of it.  I go to keepvid.com  and, using my right 
mouse, paste the url into the empty field in the  green box, then hit the 
download button to the right.  
  This places the url to a different box below.  Then I  click the "Download 
Link" button.  A box will pop up asking u  if I want to open or save.  I click 
Save.  In a new box that pops  up, u must name it.  Be sure to end your name 
with the suffix ".flv"  without the quotes.  If u forget to do this, after u 
download, it will not  play.  If I forget to use the .flv extension, I rename 
it later by  highlighting the file and using my right mouse.
  Before any video will play, u need an FLV player, which is available  for 
free on Keepvid.com.  U want the green button on the right, which near  the top 
of the site.


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