[Harp-L] RE : List of Standards

Jon axed :


Sorry to bring this up again but I, for the life of me, have been unable to do an archive search on the Harp-L archives. Can someone repost the list of standards that was a topic of discussion some time not too far back ("standards" as in songs that would typically be known by most musicians and or guitarists and done in jam sessions).Much appreciated if anyone has this list stashed somewhere. 





Hurricane sez :

That's got to be as hard a question to answer as far as so many different points of view on their " OWN " personal standards are concerned .

Dixieland guys will steer ya towards all the stuff out of the 1920/30's New Orleans and similar genres from other areas .

Rag Timers will tout Scot Joplin and other later Tin Pan alley types like Hoagy Carmichael  .

Swing types will hit ya with Ellington , Goodman ,etceteras

And then ya have your Broadway Show music . 

Here in Palm Springs southern California USA all the above apply :)And I love em all . 

To be clear on  it , I love music , all genres all time periods , I leave no musical stoned unturned . I'm at home with standards and just as cozy with Muddy Water & Corrine Bailey Mae & Amy Winehouse or Box Car Willie & Willie Nelson . 

Best bet I would imagine ( aside from actually spending some $'s on a few really good books )is to see what's up in your local scene and go from there - 

- - But - - 

If your living in Muddville ( no offense intended ) well ..spend some bucks heh heh . 

Even more important , buy the kind of standards you know and love already in you head and heart and expand your quiver of  material song by song , genre by genre .

Sincerely :

Hurricane Ramon  

Aka :


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