[Harp-L] Popper Arrested/Rush to Judgement

"Any MAN here ever tried to tell his buddy he's "driving too   fast"?  Or 
he's had one too many and can't get behind the   wheel..or take away the keys 
from a belligerent drunk?  It all  sounds  so easy to talk about, but just 
practicing it in "real"  life."
Though I can't figure out what this has to do with harp, exactly, I can't  
let this foolishness pass uncorrected.
I myself have done both of the above on several occasions.  Twice,  over the 
years, I've had to go so far as to threaten to punch out very close  friends 
who were planning to drive high or drunk--and not with me in the car--in  order 
to protect them from their own wildly impaired instincts.  Anyone who  is not 
willing to risk the temporary rage of a friend or loved one in order to  keep 
them from possibly killing themselves or others should seriously examine  
their crisis-management skills.
Peace and Respect
Johnny T

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