From: "Bob Laughlin" <rlaughlin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Link to Steven Tyler harmonica article
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 10:23:09 +1000
Hmm. I read it. Anyone heard Steven Tyler play harmonica? I didn't know
who he was, though I know of Aerosmith. What gives here? They are making
a limited number, so it's not intended as a sales boost (and if it was,
why 'Steven Tyler'?) I guess it's just some sort of vanity/sweetherat
deal that's been set up by the business guy in the video. I remember
when Johnny Shines came out to Australia in the late seventies he had a
'Trini Lopez' model Gibson. Now maybe Trini was a great guitar playet, I
don't know; but he was a very big star, right around the world, and I
suspect a lot bigger than S. Tyler. I dunno.....the world seems to get
sillier by the moment. Wyh not a Bob Dylan model, or a Bruce Springsteen
model, or Alanis Morisette model.......joking! just joking!