Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Re: Little Wing on harmonica

Garry posts this version of Little Wing in response to Jazmaan's post  about 
Fred Yonnet's YouTube....
"jazmaan@xxxxxxxxxxx" <dmf273@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I  just watched the Little Wing video.
> I guess I'm still  waiting to hear that song done right on harmonica.

well, this  probably isn't quite what you're looking for, since the harp is
playing  accompaniment.  but it's a sweet version nonetheless.  it's  
warren haynes (guitar and vocals), page mcconnel (piano), and  mickey
raphael  (harp).

i  love this version.  it's quiet and understated, preserving the beauty  of
the song.  mickey's harp is soulful, tasteful, not  flashy.  the consumate

Garry Hodgson,  Senior Software Geek, AT&T CSO"
....thanks for that, Garry.  You're right.  Mickey  Raphael's harp solo very 
lovely in this version.  I liked this  just as much as I enjoyed Frederic 
Yonnet's YouTube version ( spelled his  name wrong first time out).  This was a 
vocal performance, and Yonnet  was clearly going for an instrumental simulation 
of Jimi  Hendrik's guitar, two entirely different approaches that can be  
enjoyed separately (IMHO).
  I don't think David's post is in any way a "flame" and  shouldn't be taken 
as such. He's absolutely entitled to like or not like a  performance...the 
difference is he wasn't trashing the musician....nor was  Smo-Joe, despite not 
liking the approach or theatricality of the  performance (as he saw it).  That's 
the great thing about us all  having different tastes and being able to 
express the reasoning behind it  as civilized adults.  David (and Smo-Joe) did just 
 As far as Fred Yonnet's physicality in his performance?  I  love it.  That's 
part of the "wow" factor for me, since it's  clearly natural to him, not 
forced or phoney in any way, just part of the  man - who he is.  He's feeling his 
music...nothing wrong with that in  my opinion, while understanding it's not 
everyone's cup of  tea.  He blew ME away. From the audience reaction, a lot of 
them  were feeling it too...all good for respect for harmonica music....look 
at  the reaction he got at the Wizards game, too.
 I'd much rather watch him get lost in his music, than  those staid harmonica 
players who've put me to  sleep  -  rooted on the stage with nothing moving  
except the tiniest motions of their hands and harps. If they don't blink  
occasionally, I start to worry we might need a doctor in the house  <G>    
Seriously, Fred Yonnet's version was this newbie's first exposure to  
Hendrik's version of Little Wing as done on harmonica. I heard a  snippet of Chris 
Michalek's  (from his Buddha's site) ...but had  my speakers down too low last 
night to do it justice..need to hear it  again properly with them cranked.  
I might be a bit biased, because apart from Jason Ricci's  versions of 
Amazing Grace (which I love), I also love Yonnet's  Amazing Grace (played live) from 
his "Blowing Your Mind in Every Key of  the Harp" CD, which is currently in 
heavy rotation in my CD  player. 

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