Dear Fellow Harpers:
I've been an on and off member of this group since the mid-90's.  I rarely post my thoughts, but I do enjoy reading what everyone else is thinking.  However, I feel I wanted to briefly express my thoughts on the recent Jason Ricci situation.  
I don't know about any contest requirements, or who won what, etc. in past harp contests, but I do know one thing -- Jason Ricci is in every way a blessing to the harp community.  Not only is his playing inventive and mind blowing, but more imporantly, I think, is the fact that Jason is a caring, compassionate guy who has thoroughly and carefully studied the instrument, scales, modalities, etc. and gives of his time and passion without hesitation.  He is willing at any time to take the time to explain even the most simple concept for the greenist novice and not make the novice feel like an idiot for asking the question.  NOT EVERY GREAT HARP PLAYER IS AS WILLING TO GIVE OF HIM/HERSELF SO FULLY IN SO MUCH DETAIL.  
I've been playing off and on for 30 years or so, always reaching a plateau, boring myself, and I quit playing for several years.  However, I  recently have become again excited like never before about the possibilities of what lies between hole 1 and hole 10 of my diatonic harp.  This is thanks to Jason who was willing to share some of his thorough knowledge and enthusiam to help a fellow harp player.  Because of his inspiration and the knowledge he imparted on myself and others at a recent workshop, I will become a much better player than ever before (and I will once again really enjoy the instrument).  
Bottom line -- There are few players who love playing as much as Jason, there are few that are as talented as he, there are few that know the mechanics underlying the entire process as well as he does, and there are even fewer who are as needed and who are as valuable to the harmonica community as is that guy.
Thanks for listening, and thanks to Jason for being such a nice guy who gives of his time and his heart. His contributions are greatly appreciated by many of us.
Gainesville, FL  
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