Subject: [Harp-L] RE: Mars contest/what constitutes a pro

Gus writes:
"Not that Jason needs any help defending his position but for what is  worth.I
remember going to a Harp workshop at the Bamboo Room in Lake  Worth, maybe 4
or 5 years ago. Jason and Mark Hummel were teaching it  and Larry was
present.  After the workshop Jason, Larry, me and  some other people were
talking and the "Mars contest" issue came up.  Jason went over the
explanation detailed in his previous email.   It made sense to me then and it
makes sense to me now.  He entered  the contest, went above and beyond to
make sure he was following the  rules of the contest and won it.  

I don't understand what was  the point of bringing that up.

Gainesville, FL"
....Thanks so much for the facts of the matter, Gus.   I appreciate how the 
truth always eventually comes out in the  wash, especially when it was MY 
teasing post about Jason being from  outer space (the Mars reference) that seemed 
to trigger the venom directed  towards him. 
 ANYONE who knows Jason at all, knows he is one of the most  scrupulous 
people ever in his business dealings, as well  as someone who always chooses to 
"walk a mile" in the other  person's shoes (no doubt a hard lesson learned from 
his early  days).  The fact that he pays his band members a salary regardless 
of  whether they gig or not, whether HE is broke or not, speaks volumes about  
his character to me.  
To attack such a man's character, especially on a list where the  members 
thereon follow that man's career, is especially egregious, in  my humble opinion. 
Your setting the record straight is SO appreciated.

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