[Harp-L] HarpCoop Invitation
Dear List,
I needed a hobby this year ;-) and am trying to organize a marketing,
advertising, and networking initiative for the harmonica industry.
I'm hoping that when this is in full swing we'll see a stronger
industry overall. I'm planning to send an announcement to the list a
few times a month to remind folks that this is available. If there
is strong objection or if FJM points the fickle finger of fate, I
will stop.
Thanks for your patience and indulgence.
Harmonica Industry Marketing, Advertising, and Networking Cooperative
The Introduction
HarpCoop is an Internet-based marketing, advertising, and networking
initiative sponsored by MojoTools Web Design to help independent
harmonica gear craftsmen, retailers, teachers, and related vendors
reach the greatest possible market.
Very talented harmonica customizers, gear innovators, and retailers
follow their dreams and develop amazing products that fail to reach
enough of their market to sustain their businesses.
Dreams aren't enough. Individually each vendor has a relatively
small client base and a relatively small number of visitors to their
web sites. Cooperating on marketing, advertising, and networking will
help create a healthier market place over all.
By joining HarpCoop, vendors will be able to leverage each other's
clients and come closer to reaching the entire harmonica market.
Initially HarpCoop will focus on connecting the diaspora of vendors
by using a banner advertisment sharing campaign.
In Practice
Take a look at http://www.spiersharmonicas.com/public/gearlist.html.
This page has the usual links to "friends" on the left. On the right
are the banner ads. They are placed there with the MojoTools ad
server, which is a set of programs designed to deliver and track
banner ads on web sites. Hit the refresh button in your browser a
few times and you'll see that the banners change.
You can also see the same ads the MojoTools Web Design web site:
An Invitation
MojoTools invites vendors, retailers, gear innovators, teachers, and
any harmoncia related business to join.
The Requirements
To be involved, vendors will either provide or commission a 350 x 100
px banner advertisement (MojoTools offers assistance for free),
agree to add the code necessary to deliver the ads on their web site,
and conduct their businesses ethically. You can put the banners
anywhere on your site that you want.
The Code
The code is just a bit of javascript that needs to be placed on any
web page. All it does is calls the MojoTools ad server and places
the banners in your web page.
Down The Road
Phase Two will be the creation of a database of harmoncia vendors
which can be delivered on HarpCoop members' web sites in the form of
a Yahoo-like directory.
Phase Three will look into deep networking and finding as many ways
as possible to use the Internet to promote the harmonica industry.
A Challenge
The risk is low (the service is free for now). The potential high.
Just do it. You come out ahead if you get even one customer from this.
Contact MojoTools Web Design for details on how to join the HarpCoop
and include banners ads on your web site.
Best Wishes,
Bob Cohen
Principal, MojoTools Web Design
Blues Harmonica Lessons
Web : www.mojotools.com
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