[Harp-L] Mutation of the Planet (Harmonica)
Hello all !
I'm reposting a note I wrote on my blog earlier this morning, for
wider circulation :
I have announced this week in an interview on the French harmonica
blog L'Homme et l'Harmonica that Planet Harmonica will soon no longer
exist in the current form. If you read French, the interview is here.
If not, the reasons in a nutshell :
* it was technically too much work to maintain a "classic" website
* it was also too much hard work to keep the bilingual thing up
* it was editorially constrictive and I've found my freedom of
speech here on Harmonica Ramblings
* I repeatedly failed to recruit reliable contributors with the
exception of the excellent Laurent
* when we started, the web was empty of harmonica goodness, now
it's everywhere to find provided you have a yellow belt in Google-Fu
* PH hadn't been updated in over two years
The content still has potential value for readers. L'Homme et
l'Harmonica has agreed to host the French language version, and I'm
currently in the process of migrating the content that I hadn't
already moved and that I think worth moving to Harmonica Ramblings.
In a couple of months, the www.planetharmonica.com address will start
hosting a French language harmonica wiki called Harmopedia. We're
currently working on structuring that project.
It was a fun 5 years, I don't regret a minute of it, and I wanted to
take the opportunity to thank all the Planet Harmonica readers over
the world for their attention and support. If there's any specific
content that you are worried will go down the drain, please let me
know so I can ensure it stays !
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