Re: [Harp-L] Separating the chaff

In a message dated 2/16/2007 1:19:57 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
leone@xxxxxxxx writes:
        we must be clones
   I love your style my man. This is the down right truth about  the 
manufacturers of harmonica's. That is exactly why I don't ever buy anything  but a SP 
20. Lately things have changed but in the past every time I would buy  
something else that was supposed to be "as good as a Hohner" I'd end up giving  it to 
somebody wanting to learn or throw it out in the crowd or something.  
(lawsuit pending for concussion by harmonica) Why should we be so willing to buy  
stuff that is grossly inferior just to find out if it will even pass muster? Has  
anyone ever held these manufacturers accountable for their advertising 
claims?  My opinion about why SOME people don't consider the harp as a musical 
instrument  is because there are so many absolute pieces of garbage out there they 
call  harmonica's. What about all those cheap guitars that cost 50 dollars, 
you don't  see Gibson trying to market them to pro's do you? With harps the 
manufacturers  try to slide anything they can in there to make a buck. They are 
the reason  that SOME people consider the harp a toy. Things have changed a lot 
over  the years but I have experienced this first hand.
           I have a  picture in mind about how we can prove if we have played 
in front of 1000  people. Wanted posters with a picture and "Have you seen 
this harp player? If  you see this person please do not approach them they may 
be dangerous and armed  with a bottle of scotch and an attitude. Please report 
the sighting to your  local re-hab and let them take care of it so they can be 
used for lab testing  for the come back powers of the liver." Then we can 
count how many sightings  come in for each person.
        Peace Love and Antibuse

Qualification(s)... player must have been heard of by 1000   
people...ANY people
Loose qualif........ player cannot be an endorser  of any existing  
brand...(conflict of interest)

The testers  receive the harps to test. You don't want to submit  
harps. Fine,  don't bother trying to sell any. You don't want to  
compete. Fine,  shut your doors, and start making disposable pens. You  
want to keep  making junk. Fine, go into the scrap metal business.

The problem right  now (as 'I' see it) is that by the time you try  
every harp, it took  you 53.6 years and $12,413.50. See, THAT's what  
they want. That's  what they want. If they can sell everyone just ONE  
harp or several  gajillion people a couple harps, they have their  
money. And what do  YOU have? You have what I have been reading here  
for 10 1/2 years.  "Hey, I got this (insert harp name) and the #4  
draw..yada yada  yada", or "They can put a man on the moon, so why  
can't I get the  6-7 draw bend in 9th position to yada yada".

Naah, we need an  international competition for MANUFACTURERS. Now  
let's see, what  bank should I use to set up the 'super-fund'?

smokey-joe's bizare  world

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