Re: [Harp-L] Great Lee Oscar video

See?  This is one reason that I love this list. I'd never made any effort to
know anything about Lee - and I'd been very successful in avoiding him. All
I knew was the harps. So I clicked on these links - damn what a cool, unique
voice, and great command of the instrument. Man, what a jazzy ear he
has...and funky, and.........

Thanks for the link. I'll make myself less of a stranger to Lee's work.
Where should I begin?  Thanks!

- Blake

On 2/8/07, dennis moriarty <dmoriarty@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Living in NYC means you essentially never see Lee. We've had dinner when I was at Dave's masterclass and he's called me from the N.W. Listening to his clarity on these videos really turns me on. I can tell you first hand he's a really generous guy. These videos are great in my opinion http:// _______________________________________________ Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH, Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx

-- Blake Taylor

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