Re:[Harp-L] Harmonica Player vs Harp Player

Winslow wrote:
Jason. His technique is more refined. Every note he plays is highly
polished and >>absolutely intentional while Popper tends to run off in
an almost involuntary >>stream (at least he used to

That's a very interesting observation, Winslow.  I didn't know that
about Popper - I know he uses patterns, but I just assumed that they
were all worked out - and that the things that I didn't tend to like
in his playing were artistic choices on his part.  You literally
"wrote the book" on him (the Four transcriptions) so I take your
comment seriously.

Changing the topic (slightly) - one guy I don't hear mentioned in the
speed player discussions, perhaps because he doesn't tend to play fast
runs for as long as the other players, is Norton Buffalo. He is an
incredible player who also plays very fast runs with spectacular
decorations.  When I was starting out, I saw a televised concert with
Steve Miller, where he played the songs Ain't That Lovin' You Baby and
Behind the Barn - anyone know this concert?  I hadn't heard blues/rock
playing that of this calibre and technical virtuosity until Jason
Ricci more recently.


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