[Harp-L] Reach on the road

. . . . . what a long strange trip it's been and I love it! Am holed up at an old childhood friends house in Phoenix, Az. It's Monday night and that is open mic night at the Rhythm Room.
  Now several years ago I had fundraising gigs in Phoenix and one year about 8 ago I won the Halloween costume contest there. First prize was an autographed poster of BB King and I was bummed because I don't like BB that much and the 2nd and 3rd prizes were better so I autographed the poster and donated it to the club. They put it on the wall so I went back to see if it was still there. It wasn't. The blues jam tonight was something I just wasn't feelin
  so I hit the road and checked out another jam. It was acoustic and the place was dead and since I have to get up at 4:30 to go fishing with my friend, I left and just played some harp on the drive back. My friend is a pro bass circuit fishing guy with a big ass 20 foot fast ass bass boat and we have a two hour drive to Alamo Lake. Guess I'll have to play a few tunes for him when we're out on the water. Will take a Delta Frost in A, can you give me an Aaaa
  Brothers and Sisters ?
   OK, it's two am and I have to grab a few hours sleep. 
  Harp a doodle do,

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