Re: Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Jason Ricci superharp?

First, let me say that I only wish Jason and his band
the best of luck in an unbeleivably hard business. He is also
obviously skillful and inventive and hard working and I do enjoy what he and his band do,
... but I was stating that I agree with Haka Harri, let's not annoint him a harmonica god just yet!

as far as the context for the comparison with John Lee Hooker, I listened carefully to the Harpin' Help clip
and Jason was singing Hooker's "Boogie Chillen"

If anyone on this list were to post a clip of some anemic
copies of Little Walter riffs (of which I am quite capable)
you can imagine the comments... that's how
I feel about Jason's vocals in that particular song.

Thanks for listing my options in dealing with JR e-mail.
I prefer to read and comment!


-  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: EGS1217@xxxxxxx 
  To: academys@xxxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx ; peloquinharp@xxxxxxxxxxx ; BradKava@xxxxxxx 
  Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 10:26 PM
  Subject: Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Jason Ricci superharp? 

  Since you don't think Jason "is the greatest thing since sliced bread" and have also specifically commented negatively on his voice (comparing him to John Lee Hooker of all people, for some reason that seems to defy logic) - you can easily skip over, delete or otherwise ignore any "Jason Ricci" posts. 


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