[Harp-L] SPAH

Hey list,
I haven't been to a harmonica event in a few years, but the line-up at this  
year's SPAH,  both talent & friend wise, motivated me to attend.  Starting 
early with Filisko's Old Town School class Monday night, all the way  through to 
the wee hours of  Sun. a.m. this event was stellar. There were  way too many 
great moments to list here, but one thing that really impressed me  was the 
quality of play at the jams, esp. the blues jam. 
Some people were phenomenal. 
I have to give special thanks to Mike Peloquin for having me up at the  
Blow-Off. I was way, way, nervous.... but it was fun.
Thanks to all who help with this event. I can only imagine how much work  & 
stress is involved.
"stay in the  middle lane"

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