[Harp-L] Hohnerphone (Muted trumpet using a can)
- To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Harp-L] Hohnerphone (Muted trumpet using a can)
- From: "Eric Neumann" <special20@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 14:13:20 -0500
- Dkim-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type; b=FvV9ln7yAY070SPVp7QvB6CVN611brURoHDOU0BgW2Kc+bxi0Dim5O86ZSGC9RIq/DwwvPxK8NQIBi4wsUugTLJG/RktjNUlBohjzsGJIcd940Vy5eTC16hUfOwQjMTc/LtCbobqH4e99rRwzpxqJImH7SIeiOnQYf+3wCalLpg=
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You guys - they already made something like the coke can, or can of pea idea
to create a mute effect.
Pat Missin has information already on this:
If you are into antique hunting, it should be fun. Or, go ahead and stick
with the coke can idea since finding these is probably too rich for
everyone's blood on this list of cheapos. You can hear one recorded by Bruce
Kurnow's cd-baby page.
Pretty interesting. Others I know do this trick with whatever small hollow
object is handy... rocks glass, styrofoam cup, politician's head... anything
relatively empty, and small enough to hold with a couple of fingers - but
large enough to give you a reverby wah effect.
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